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Johnson Enterprises has been in business for over 35 years. We specialize in CNC Machining, Abrasive Water Jet Cutting, Fabrication, Heat Treating, Painting, Refurbishing and applying Hard Surfacing Coating to wearable consumables with specialized equipment.


We service many different industries such as Aerospace, Defence, Shipyards, Offshore Oil and Gas, Mining, Railway, Nuclear and Forestry sectors. Johnson Enterprises quality system conforms with ISO 9001-2015 standard. Johnson Enterprises also provides “Turnkey Manufacturing” for many of our customers.

Johnson enterprises - Welding

Johnson Enterprises understands its customer’s needs and is committed to a total quality system that strives to exceed the highest industry standards.


Johnson enterpises

Johnson Enterprise’s equipment list is used to manufacture and refurbish parts and components.

Johnson enterprises - Equipment

Johnson Enterprises has been machining, fabricating, and manufacturing for many types of industry sectors.

Johnson Enterprises is an innovative company providing solutions for the sawmilling industry.

Johnson Enterprises offers many different services for your manufacturing needs.

Johnson enterprises - Services
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